Love means not ever having to say you're sorry

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Are you proud of being Indian...????

Like many other tech freaks and internet geeks i too ve a fake had tis conversation wit a women.....It started as a friendly chat which ended up being a disastrous debate unfortunately i was at the receiving end....mayb i could ve defended better,i donno....i tried ma jus brought ma agony and pain i had to b rude to sorry ladies.......All of U do read the conversation completely......dont skip over it plzzzzz....Her name has been changed as "Miss Invisible" and me as "Me"....
Me: i jus dont wanna make the conversation very serious....i wanna ask ly one thing....u may hate after i ask u tis....more than wat u hate me now
Miss Invisible: can you speak english
Me: i hope tats wat am speakin now...
Miss Invisible: tats and wat arent words
Me: jus cuttin em wat i did now "them is em"
Miss Invisible: you...
Miss Invisible: didnt gain a college education
Miss Invisible: did you
Me: do v really ve to spk abt it.....
Miss Invisible: yes we do
Miss Invisible: because you clearly have a ..misudersanding of sexuality
Miss Invisible: you probably are from the midwest
Miss Invisible: or the south
Me: midwest....hmmm.....gud guess....but am not
Miss Invisible: then where
Me: wru frm....u gonna temme
Miss Invisible: im waiting
Miss Invisible: answer the question
Me: cool....its us guys who always ve to reveal things first and u dont turn ur bak later...i dint mean...generally....
Me: i dint mean u ....generally
Miss Invisible: no its called disrsepect
Miss Invisible: clearly you are either shamed of your heritage
Miss Invisible: or you simply come from a poorly educated area
Miss Invisible: or both
Me: u donno anythin abt me...i mean qualification or u r graduate rite???
Miss Invisible: im waiting for you to enlighten me
Miss Invisible: because if you are one of those bible thumping rednecks
Miss Invisible: then i know you simply..dont know better
Me: i think u r the onewho has to come outta ur small little world.....
Miss Invisible: haha you honestly think you are more wordly then i?
Miss Invisible: how many langauges do you speak?
Me: four.....wanna test me....
Miss Invisible: i speak 7
Miss Invisible: how many countries have you visited
Miss Invisible: well?
Miss Invisible: exactly
Miss Invisible: Q
Miss Invisible: E
Miss Invisible: D
Me: ha ha ha...speakin seven languages and visiting some hundreds of countries doesnt mean tat u r some goddamn aristocrat.....
Miss Invisible: no it means im more worldly then you
Miss Invisible: Me: i think u r the onewho has to come outta ur small little world
Miss Invisible: remember that comment?
Miss Invisible: you are the one who is in an insulated world
Miss Invisible: i mean you didnt even go to college
Me: u can keep tat way.....i dont wanna prove ma qualification and worldly knowledge to some unknown women.....
Miss Invisible: because you have none
Miss Invisible: its the typical response for those who have no basis
Miss Invisible: "im not going to justify myself'
Miss Invisible: all you have to do is state the infomration and you win
Miss Invisible: but you have nothing
Miss Invisible: so you come up with the excuse "im not going to prove myself"
Miss Invisible: its ok
Miss Invisible: i understand
Miss Invisible: i suggest next time you simply lie
Me: k...if i state the info....ll u accept it....
Miss Invisible: probably not
Miss Invisible: because i know now you will life
Miss Invisible: lie
Me: now u dont...i ve to send u ma degree certificate to ur home
Miss Invisible: no thanks
Miss Invisible: i have ways of validating
Miss Invisible: im guessing you might be....indian
Me: gud...not bad....
Miss Invisible: well then what are you
Me: i am indian...tat was a gud guess....
Miss Invisible: of course you are
Miss Invisible: so the languages you speak arent other languages
Miss Invisible: they are dialects
Miss Invisible: but thats ok..india is known for its oppression of women
Me: tats y v ve a women president..right....
Miss Invisible: yes but also when i spoke to Dr. Singh in 2008
Miss Invisible: we finally got him to acknowledge the female infanticide present in yoru country
Miss Invisible: and lets also not forget that you are the single largest provider of underage sex slaves in the world
Me: even ur prez can acknowledge it.....not child infanticide.....but a lot more.....
Miss Invisible: my president?
Miss Invisible: who is my president
Me: depends on frm which country u r frm
Miss Invisible: you said my president said something
Miss Invisible: well...who is my president
Miss Invisible: if you are going to quote the president...who is that person?
Miss Invisible: well?
Me: oooof....
Miss Invisible: QED i win again
Me: temme ur country i'll tell ur prez
Miss Invisible: no
Miss Invisible: you have to admit you lied then
Me: k...if u were frm USA then its Mr.Barack Obama....
Miss Invisible: im not
Me: u know his middle name
Me: dont google it
Me: coz u were replyin spontaneously so far
Miss Invisible: hussien
Miss Invisible: born in hawiia
Miss Invisible: moved to the philipeans
Me: not impressive
Miss Invisible: his mother is from the midwest
Miss Invisible: his father is from africa
Miss Invisible: he saw him 1 time after the divorce
Me: wat ... u r a graduate in political sciences.....
Miss Invisible: he has a half brother named george
Miss Invisible: no
Me: watever u
Me: watever u have an engg graduate...k...i know ma field to the core.....
Me: got placed in a MNC
Miss Invisible: so?
Miss Invisible: you stil murder women in india
Me: gonna do MS in UK....
Miss Invisible: k
Me: tats ma qualification......tats our problem, v r takinn care of it...u shut all ur holes and get bak to ur lezzie shit.....
Me: bye bye
Miss Invisible: why dont you go get me tandori chicken dot head
Miss Invisible: sorry Apu
Me: all the nations r the same diggin up others shit wen their own smells like hell
Miss Invisible: im not interested
Miss Invisible: it doesnt
Miss Invisible: but thats ok we all know india hates the earth
Me: gud.....u know it...then y the hell u care abt us.....u can go to those nations u've visited and spk those damn 7 languages.......
Miss Invisible: sorry Apu
Miss Invisible: know that i knwo you are indian
Miss Invisible: you have demonstrated your ..cultural...ingorance
Me: ty......
Me: i know more than u......
Miss Invisible: no you dont
Miss Invisible: i assure dont
Me: who r u to judge me.....
Miss Invisible: true or false humans evolved from monkeys
Miss Invisible: some one who is better then you
Me: better than us
Miss Invisible: you ar indian
Miss Invisible: you still hve a caste system
Miss Invisible: proud of that?
Me: ha ha ha....wen u cant tackle me u bring the whole country upon me.......i take responsibilities to some extent upto which i withold it
Miss Invisible: no thats ok
Miss Invisible: id be ahsamed to if i were indian
Miss Invisible: thank god im not
Me: u r not at all a human being.....thank god u r not indian.....suck it
Miss Invisible: nay
Miss Invisible: im not into men
Miss Invisible: especially indian men
Miss Invisible: you all..smell
Miss Invisible: so where is my Tandori Chicken
Me: in ur dogs ass
Miss Invisible: so you fuck dogs asses?
Miss Invisible: im not surrposed
Miss Invisible: you also worship cows
Me: u r religious too....
Me: but am not....y am i speakin to u......all abt tis.....u hate india, indian men esp,v smell...ty for tat....ya..v worship cow.....
Me: wat else...yes...female infanticide
Miss Invisible: haha if i were religious
Miss Invisible: id not believe in evolution
Miss Invisible: ok..the dalit issue
Miss Invisible: the sex slave trade
Miss Invisible: the kyoto protocol
Miss Invisible: indians nuclera testing
Me: gud.....wat else u ve upon us....
Miss Invisible: i want you to explain those to me
Miss Invisible: re yo rpoud of it?
Me: y shud i....
Miss Invisible: i mean you have killed more women then the nazis killed during their holocaust
Me: female infanticide has been reduced considerably now...if not completely.....
Miss Invisible: so explain to me why india has the right to purposely destroy the earth
Miss Invisible: no it actually hasnt
Miss Invisible: it has gotten worse since 2001
Me: not over other developed countries....our green gas emission is much much low wen compared to other countries
Miss Invisible: no you are actually the second largest producer behind china
Miss Invisible: thats total and PER capita
Miss Invisible: be will drown yourselves soon
Miss Invisible: in fact..does india even have electric cars?
Miss Invisible:
Miss Invisible: read that
Miss Invisible: proud of that?
Me: hmmm......if its india going down first....then india wud ve been the ly planet on earth by then......i know tat v r not polluting and killing earth as other developed countries do.....fuck your stats....
Miss Invisible: typical indian
Me: and bye bye bitch....ty
Miss Invisible: refusing to accept the scientific data
Miss Invisible: you may leave Apu
Miss Invisible: bring back so curried chicken for me
Me: ll bring it wen v meet in hell
Watever u think kindly make it public......ur comments views watever.....u may suggest ur friends to read thro tis post,i donno ur wish it is....but i may atleast make em think a bit.....i guess she might b frm US but she said she's not....i donno...she has been trackin us i mean India for a while....donno how many more r still there around us thinkin abt us the same way......i can ly say one thing "This is India".....Am i proud of it "Donno"....????


Ahshik said...

wat fucking shit was tat lady spking... If we worship cow, if we worship dung.. wats it for her... After all they r ppl who ve sex in the street... after all ppl who render their hole for an auction... fk her man......

Vedha Sv said...

chill guys..! even ive met more such personalities on net.. they think they r over qualified.. comparing things... but still its our duty to make them understand..
we have to teach them the logic tat two persons cant be identical, they adopt themselves on the basis of resources available to them, family situations, their needs. @ tat situation if he tries to live like other guy, his life will be miserable.. tat applies to the countries development too...
only the developed countries r the ones which made us the present ways we r.. India is the ancient country with lots of heritage (latest news, they have identified the oldest civilization of the world in gulf of kuch ie 7000 yrs before harappa and mohenjadaro)
so the life has survived here since tat. and this place is the native for most of the ppl who have settled in diff countries.. (south east asia and africa r the mother of origin of human lifes)..

so basically wen ppl move from here.. they loose their religion, rules etc in the time being, which is very difficult for us who still live in our natives..

but i can assure, they may be pure and developed physically, but only we guys have mental strength and ability to face things..

but its bitter tat we have to accept certain things tat she said..tats all because of the bribe, politics, black money, illiteracy etc.. but im sure we r recovering from all tat issues, south has developed a lot.. (literacy rate is increased)still north has to do it.. im sure wen all r educated everything will be clear obviously..

but still we r the second fastest developing country in the world.. tats the reason all the other countries have a eye on us... with out Indian brains the world will turn upside the swiss report said.."the whole world can eat for hundred yrs with the Indian's money in the swiss bank.." all r black... its our duty to bring them out..

If u really wanna do something to change our country, i kindly request u guys to provide education to children by avoiding unnecessary expenses, and instead of spending the money for development of religions and temples, pls provide education, this will definitely help future India and im gona start it first..
"instead of just speaking abt the inabilities, we can contribute our part to change tat - provide education for maximum no of ppl u can".

I must definitely thank so called "invisible grl" for providing us an ignition... and billu if u come across her again pls tell her tat ppl dose'nt change from country to country.. she is regretting to know the history of evolution and talking with the present sense... ask her to take her vision to her brain and think.. she is just seeing wats before her eyes and putting her words out.. make her know there r also such ppl (as she called indians) around her in her own country...
either all who r educated and come in porsche r not gud and gentleman, and neither one curly poor man coming by walk has bad thoughts... tats all matters with persons.

(guyz i don know weather im clear or rite but these r my views abt this issue.. i may have missed a lot. i have jus texted this comment with wat i had at this moment. kindly don hesitate to ask me any questions, and give ur suggestions.. tats it for now... i can still xplain things better but u have to ask some questions and do pardon me for some misunderstandings)
- vedha

Vedha Sv said...

guys.. here r the proofs and international stats of all the countries in all aspects.. have a look and educate such pneumatic craps.

Govin said...

Nice to see the conversation. Well done Billu ... but the fact is that 'Indian' image is not good worldwide. We are feeling proud about India but others don't. It was shocking when I first faced this issue when I was abroad.

We are Champs among the Asian countries. I had been to Bangladesh and Sri lanka and they have very good respect on us. Even the Chinese respects us for our population.

But European countries thinks that India is a shit hole. Compared to their Culture and background, we are a shit and it is a biting truth.

Also the foreign medias are showing the poverty and crazy stuffs about India. I don't know how they are allowed to shoot and how they can show something about India without Govt's permission in their TV. In Australia, a suburb of mumbai was shown in the national tv. child labours are working for 12 hours. On seeing this what do they think about us.

At the same time, European's / caucausian's personal life is really shitty compared to Asians. Its a kind of ' your children and My children and playing with our children' culture.

Billu, it's not your inability to debate but the misunderstanding about India had let you down in the conversation.

How did you assumed that 'Miss.....' was a lady. May not be... The way they abuse India... the person could be from Pakistan as well...