Prof: "இன்னைகவது படி டா....."
U: "Dailyஉம் வீட்டுக்கு lateஆ போறோம்...இன்னைக்கு சீகரம் போகணும்"
Dad: "எப்போ பாத்தாலும் 11 மணி 12 மணிக்கு வரது.....சீகரம் வந்து பழகு .."
U: "இல்ல மச்சி...காசு இல்ல...நீங்க போயிட்டு வாங்க...ll catch up wit u next time"
Mom: "என்ன saturday movie and dinner ah......hmmmmmmmmm(big sigh)......"

I know i've exargerrated few instances happened in most of em's life.......atleast something closer to it wud ve happened.....U take a decision or plan to do something...not necessarily ur parents, ur relatives, frenz..anyone for tat matter...someone comes and tells u the same....wen v do it they think ly its coz of em v did it...... The ly thing tat makes me get frustrated....
I think now and then abt tis topic but either wud feel lazy or think such a waste of time....wats gonna happen.....but today a couple of things happened which made me go to the peak of frustration.....Felt like pampered to the core.....I've grown up.....I guess i ve.....completed a degree,working for almost a month now....and lot more mental growths too.....
I donno how many of u get wat i say......coz today was 1 of the most important of ma life......had plans abt it long ago.....wen they said u do tis...and finally ma mom came in and said do tis...its mind knows they donno wat i think and say everythin for our wellbeing.....points taken....but i definitely feel pampered at many instances....i donno how many of u still feel somethin kinda these things....
Lot of small to bigger examples to quote......but the thing is ly a few came to ma mind.....i jus feel tat y dont they get tat v ve reached a time were v ve to b on our own...... Actually the thing i thought today was somethin frm ma heart so wen they said the same to do it.....wen i do jus bcums as a task accomplished...not as the one i really felt,meant to do frm ma heart......
I need ur feedbacks means comments.....the things i expect to hear is like 'u have to understand em more,yes u r not grown up,ya i ve been thro somethings like tat..if possible some instances like coz i believe am not i ve to think an alternative b4 anyone says tat too........